Thursday, October 1, 2009

The World of On Line Dating

So, my ex has found greener pastures. He comes to visit on the weekend to see the kids, but mostly to rub his new girlfriend in my face. Not that I want him back. I don't. But I'm so lonely the cat has actually started to hide so I can't squeeze it.
I work with all teens, most over 18 so they aren't illegal, but eww. So, no dates there. I line dance. With older women. No dates there. The bars are just not my thing, and short of having my teenaged daughter hook me up I have no other option.
Duh duh duuuh!
Dating service!
Ok, it's completely lame, but it's worth a shot. I mean I'm a nice normal person that's on the site. There has to be others.
So I posted a cute little bio. I made myself sound fluffy. Cute and fluffy. Like a sheep.
It's not me. I'm not happy-go-lucky. I'm tired. Angry. Ready to smack the ex with a shovel.
I am not a sheep.
Oddly enough a guy responded. Wooo! Yay me!
He is employed, big bonus there, has his own place, another bonus, and kids of his own, yay!
He then grills me.
Do I work? Do I drink? Do I wear heels and prance around?
Whoa. What?
Heels? Since when is that a requirement for a date? I mean I could see the use in having two legs, but that isn't even all that important. As long as the guy isn't drunk the whole day and can make it through the store without hitting on someone I'm a happy gal.
But this guy had the nerve to tell me that without heels and heavy makeup I was not girly enough for him.
Of all the things I expected from a dating site, this was not one of them.
I work 40 hours a week, have two kids and 4 cats. As fluffy as I'm able to get is slacks and a cute top. Even then I have to battle the cat hair as I run for the door.
I like jeans and sweaters. I like makeup, but don't get into earrings and such, just no time.
Since when did the outside of a person matter more than the inside? Eye candy is a shallow way to live. No wonder he is on a dating site.
I politely turned him down.
He was really ok with this.
Until he took up line dance.
I've been dancing for years. I'm out of shape, but I can move if I need to.
The instructor yelled at me for showing off.
He was stunned.
After all I was in jeans. And very very hot.
He called every day for a week.
I turned him down every day.
I'm still alone, but revenge was very sweet.

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